Sitemap - 2024 - Law Dork

Texas, Louisiana lead challenges to Title IX rules providing explicit LGBTQ protections

SCOTUS to Fifth Circuit: Do whatever you want

University drag ban arguments focus on SCOTUS nondiscrimination policy decision

The Supreme Court's men aren't here to protect you

SCOTUS approach to Trump's immunity claim likely to delay D.C. case further

In E.R. abortion care case, the justices face the questions of a post-Roe America

Oklahoma AG tells SCOTUS that state court decision allowing Glossip's execution cannot stand

SCOTUS, but not Roberts, struggles with whether cities can criminalize homelessness

Law Dork Video: On Trump's immunity claim, the history (or lack thereof), and its consequences

Appeals court rules that Title IX protects trans student in challenge to WV sports ban

The Fifth Circuit did the absolute least it should do this week — and that's news

Conservative justices question overcriminalization now, with Jan. 6 case

Supreme Court allows Idaho ban on trans minors' medical care to go into effect

Arizona's near-total abortion ban likely blocked until at least June, as next steps planned

Full Eighth Circuit holds low-key arguments over Arkansas's minor trans care ban

A judicial nomination under attack — and now in peril

A Civil War-era abortion ban will soon control lives in Arizona — for now

Don't fall for Trump's new abortion position claims

The Law Dork Nine: Robbie Kaplan

The Fifth Circuit's lawlessness is now spreading from California to D.C.

Cannon's presidential records order in Trump case puts special counsel in a bind

Oklahoma carries out its first execution of 2024

Texas is fighting to end federal immigration supremacy

Florida high court upholds abortion ban — and puts abortion on the ballot

"Trending: Easter Controversy," or: How little lies pave the way for the next big lie

Appeals court revives trans employee's Title VII harassment lawsuit in Georgia

Fifth Circuit keeps Texas's S.B. 4 blocked, stating it "appears to run headlong into federal law"

Justices likely to keep medication abortion available on current terms

Law Dork Video: Anti-abortion rights reach the Supreme Court

Divided appeals court keeps Indiana ban on trans minors' medical care in effect

Law Dork Video: Abortion law experts discuss upcoming SCOTUS mifepristone case

Texas's S.B. 4 immigration enforcement law appears likely to remain on hold for now

Fifth Circuit puts Texas's S.B. 4 immigration law on hold, yet again

It isn't Justice Sam Alito's court — but Monday was about his far-right extremism

Social media, government, and coercion: A partisan case raises big questions

SCOTUS sets "authority" test for judging public officials' actions on social media

Florida news, from Cannon rejecting a Trump request to the "Say Gay" settlement

Religious supremacy, not Supremacy Clause, is key to Fifth Circuit contraception ruling

Texas asks SCOTUS to let it enforce its new immigration criminal law during appeal

Hochul's troops-in-the-subway move is trash, and more Dems should be saying it

The university drag ban at SCOTUS shows our broken judicial system

Monday's SCOTUS ruling was bad — but the liberal justices can't afford to linger on it

Supreme Court, 9-0, says Colorado can't kick Trump off ballot

Supreme Court announces Monday opinions, Trump ballot case decision likely

Seventh Circuit restricts trans minors' rights in Indiana without a word explaining why

SCOTUS takes up Trump immunity claim, hears bump stock rule case

Idaho failed in its attempted execution, Texas killed a man

Justices question Texas and Florida efforts to restrict social media companies

This week, we faced all that the Dobbs justices unleashed

Fifth Circuit keeps Texas anti-drag law on ice as the state's appeal proceeds

Idaho asks SCOTUS to let it enforce anti-trans ban on minors' medical care during appeal

Trump dodges on abortion as SCOTUS cases highlighting anti-abortion extremism approach

Special counsel urges SCOTUS to reject Trump's request for continued delay of his D.C. trial

Republican lawmakers move anti-LGBTQ measures in five states

Trump asks the Supreme Court to stop his D.C. federal trial from starting

A Fifth Circuit immigration order lays bare a conservative divide on the appeals court

The Supreme Court must fully resolve Trump disqualification case now to avert "chaos"

Supreme Court almost certain to allow Trump to remain on Colorado's primary ballot

D.C. Circuit panel unanimously rejects Trump's criminal immunity claim

FAQ: Trump, the 14th Amendment, and Thursday’s SCOTUS arguments

Utah, again, enacts the first new anti-LGBTQ law of the year

Appeals court considers Tennessee criminal law that targets some drag performances

Colorado officials argue U.S. Supreme Court should uphold ballot ruling against Trump

Appeals court lets stand ruling that would dramatically limit voting rights suits

Anti-affirmative action efforts target West Point — and those efforts reach the Supreme Court

SCOTUS conservatives allowed Alabama to suffocate Kenneth Smith to death

Alabama wants to suffocate a man to death. So far, no court is stopping them from trying.

Full Fifth Circuit considers if Mississippi’s lifetime felony voting ban violates 8th Amendment

Five justices still say the feds control border decisions. But only five.

Show DeSantis the door

Utah House passes invasive criminal anti-trans bathroom ban

Trump lawyers urge SCOTUS to ignore reality, state court ruling to keep Trump on the ballot

Conservative justices, lawyers ready a path for ending agency deference

Supreme Court lets win stand for trans student in Indiana bathroom ban case

DOJ to seek death penalty in Buffalo shooting case despite Biden 2020 pledge

Appeals court suggests DeSantis prosecutor suspension could violate First Amendment

D.C. Circuit judges extremely skeptical of Trump's post-presidential immunity claim

Trump engaged in insurrection three years ago today. The Supreme Court must say so.

SCOTUS to hear Trump “insurrection” ballot case in February, Idaho ER abortion care case in April

Idaho pushes SCOTUS for action on ER abortion care shadow docket case

Trump goes to SCOTUS, wants justices to rule on whether he "engage[d] in insurrection"

Fifth Circuit holds that federal ER law doesn't protect abortion care