Supreme Court justices (as in today's Order List) sometimes provide a "statement" and this seems to be what Judge Ho (not the good one) is doing. Decades more of this guy? Sigh.

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Yes, I know about statements — and mention that in the list of what this could be.

However, this from Ho is *not* just a statement. He disagrees. The per curiam says, "We express no opinion on the disposition of that motion." He wrote, "The motion for a stay pending appeal should be granted." He very much expressed an opinion on the disposition of that motion.

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"dissented in spirit but chose not to actually dissent"

Statements are sometimes disagree-y without actually dissenting.

It is not explicitly stated as anything, as you say, but it comes off to me as a statement-like thing. But, I have no deep opinion on the matter.

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I'm honestly not going to debate this. Have a good night, Joe.

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Once Trump is disposed of and his SCOTUS dreams die, Ho and his ilk will be chasing the big bucks in the private sector.

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That's the dream. Many of these people like being federal judges. Lifetime sinecure with the power to make law.

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Every time I read news about these issues I'm just amazed that so much time, effort and legal resources are being wasted on policing DRAG QUEENS. In a society where any adult - or minor - can easily binge watch Ru Paul's Drag Race. When the history of the collapse of this Republic is written, the demise will be the product of such frivolous, intentionally distracting bullshit. And what's Ho's problem? Does he jack off to drag queens and need the government to stop him? What's in HIS closet?

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Seriously, tho!! Who the blankity blank did drag queens ever hurt, ffs? And why, pray tell, are some so scared of the mighty power of lip syncing, splashy wigs, heels & clever pseudonyms?

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Friggin Ho.

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Ho forever acts out the "tRump's ho' " role he so dearly relishes.

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I used to have a dear friend who was Asian—until her Asian husband firmly aligned himself with tRump. He was quite influential in the NYC area. I cut off ties. Then, when trumpanzees started shoving Asians in the subways, they “saw the light,” I suppose, and reached out. Too late. (I don’t consort with collaborators and traitors, including family members. . . .some who are in Texas.)

Anyway, Judge HO is in for similar awakenings, down there in the VERY MEAN state of Texas (I’ve lived there, too). Around Dallas, they despise Asian kids for excelling in education.

They’ll come for you, too, Judge Ho, and your family, just like all the rest. “They came first for Communists, and I didn’t speak up . . .

Then they came for the Jews .. . Then they came for the trade unionists . . . Then they came for the Catholics . . . Then they came for me.” Martin Niemoeller, 1946.

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