It ought to be unnerving that these two stories are running on the same day in the same post, and I don't need to tell anyone why.

So, either:

1) SCOTUS thinks Trump is immune and is going to dismiss the charges.

2) SCOTUS knows he's not immune but they're going to delay the trial for him because they're in the bag for him.

3) SCOTUS is so full of themselves that they think it's important for them to issue their own ruling on this case, rather than just letting the D.C. ruling stand. Whatever 'wisdom' they have to add is more important than preventing the whole republic from going down and being replaced by a Christian Nationalist fascist state, in which no one is going to listen to what these nine have to say anymore anyway and they might even get thrown in jail as political prisoners.

Which is it?

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Fallout from today's cert decision is that tRump also has a motion pending before *Judge* Cannon in the MAL docs case ALSO for "immunity/official acts", and she certainly will hold off making a ruling until the Supremes hand down their decision whenever.

So it's down to DA Bragg to bring some modicum of justice before the Nov elections.

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Well, when you make him even more destitute, it will put the Magat more brazen, and likelier to be watched far more carefully than normally happens. His own damn fault, should he be elected. If not... OH BOY! FUN TIME!

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#2 in effect and a form of #3. The exact details are unclear.

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#2, justified by #3

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Partisan election interference by a SCOTUS that is a partisan institution lacking in any moral legitimacy beyond naked political power.

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I’m so angry about what the Supreme Court has done-all this deliberate delay. Just so angry.

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Brutal...at least four Justices granted cert...shall we guess who they might be? Not only taking up POS tRump's appeal, but setting arguments for late April, and who knows how long after that a decision will be handed down. Major win for tRump, not on the merits, but on a substantial delay yet again in the Jan6 trial...as you noted, Chris, after the Nov elections almost certainly. Eff these guys.

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Just my two cents, but I think it’s not unreasonable that SCOTUS should grant cert. The issue of Presidential immunity is one that has enough import to warrant their review. The hypotheticals during the April oral arguments will be quite something I’d imagine.

Where I think the motives of delay might be looked at was when they denied Smith’s initial petition for cert in December. Seems like this was always destined to be a SCOTUS case, and I don’t think the appeals court was going to uncover or rule in such a fashion that would change that.

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I don’t think it’s unreasonable to grant cert. My issue is that they shouldn’t have held it two weeks to start the briefing schedule if they were going to do that. (And, the briefing schedule should have been tighter.)

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I absolutely have to disagree. The mere assertion of presidential immunity is utterly absurd. They should have refused it out right. After all, no one is above the law, right🧐🤔

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Granting the first part (I join Judge Luttig et. al. in not agreeing with it), the second part is key.

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I guess one way the Court could look bad is if they return with a 7-2 or 6-3 ruling in June that largely echoes the ruling of the Court of Appeals.

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Oh joy SCOTUS just keeps on giving Trump all the delays he needs. They really want that low rating to sink even further don't they.

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While extremely disappointing, I can’t imagine a SCOTUS as corrupt as this one appears to be doing anything other than deliberately delaying on behalf of Trump. They certainly seem to be well paid by their donors. I wonder what the going rate for a conscience is these days.

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I want to not feel hopeless and defeated about my (our- The People’s) rights being stripped away by 2 “ruling” branches -prejudicial SCOTUS and minority House.

I want “we The “majority” of the people to have our rights restored.

I do not see a way.

I do not see any light .

I feel like I’m on the “democracy death march.”

Sorry I’m such a bummer but our pleadings fall on deaf ears.

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None of this bodes well for our democracy.

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Very depressing.

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Principal Deputy Solicitor General Brian Fletcher impressed me. I felt this case was a chance for the SCOTUS to look reasonable on guns. I was a bit wary of some of the questioning. But, hold to that.

SCOTUS didn't do much for their reputation with their orders today. The general sentiment of disgust (well not for the morning "no comments" though after the failed execution, probably warranted) I'm seeing is well founded.

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For any of us to have held out

hopes SCOTUS would be fair

and fast on immunity, we were wish casting. This election comes down to us,

the people. We will either vote Trump down and preserve our democratic Constitutional republic, or not. The courts are not going

to save us on this issue.

Bump stocks need to be banned, period.

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If the MAGA Supreme Court is going to play dirty then our side must do the same. I am not an attorney but what is to prevent Jack Smith’s crew from using their filings to expose tRumps’s crimes? Motion in Limine? Bingo. Mar a Lago documents? Ask Sandy Berger to describe what happened to him when he held onto a document from the National Archives. I can’t imagine his life being very pleasant when he did much less than what tRump did. And if there is evidence from the Intelligence Community of the consequences of tRump’s selling of our secrets then EXPOSE it. What do we have to lose but our freedom?

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