I believe Erin Reed had in the past highlighted the problems of FIRE being the ones to challenge this as well.

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This isn't apples to oranges, it's apples to chickens! Just because some people eat both doesn't mean they're even remotely the same thing. This is such a sketch argument that anybody would be tempted to lean into a conspiracy theory that Wendler and Ho orchestrated this drag ban as a way to overturn the CLS decision. (I know that's almost certainly not the case, just smells like it awfully hard...)

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Who was the third judge on the panel?

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It’s there. Dennis.

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Thank you!

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I'm critical of the attitude that FIRE sometimes takes towards students, but seeking to overturn CLS seems pretty out-of-character for them. They're generally more interested in people saying "you can't do this" than people saying "you must do this", and that's the real distinction between the two cases.

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I'd love to see the protests of student groups that refuse to allow gay people or black people into their groups.

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So thie Judge Leslie Southwick, where is she on the normal to batsh!t GOP judge spectrum?

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He, and he is one of the judges who has joined the Dem appointees in some decisions.

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