Upgraded to paid because this reporting is helping me to understand the truth. It helps me advocate clearly to family and friends why this is important. If the USA doesn’t become a failed state, it will be because some journalists cared enough to get the whole story. Thanks Chris.

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Oh it’s 1000% “an effort to paint a misleading picture of unfairness for those outside the court.” P01135809 and his lawyers deserve no shadow of doubt.

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Feb 13Liked by Chris Geidner

After reading 2 issues, I upgraded my subscription. Your writing gives me a clear picture of what’s happening at the Courts. Thank you!

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Thank you!

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tRump legal clown show gets NO respect from SCOTUS...DCC opinion is wired so tightly, my sense is Deny cert, end of.

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Hope you are right!

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You are right again. I looked up the grammar surrounding ellipsis and quotation in MLA, because Trump's legal team quoted the federal rule of procedure beginning with a lower case letter the reader is notified that the stated quote is not the beginning of the rule being quoted. If the entire rule isn't in your memory you should reread the rule before continuing to read the pleading. Buyer beware.

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When would the government’s opposition be due?

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I just added a paragraph to the end of the top section. We don't know, but I suspect we'll find out on Tuesday morning when it is due.

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Prof. Vladeck actually gets into this.

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Yeah, my update notes that. I'm not quite as confident as he is for *such* a quick review, but I do think it will be quick.

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Thank you! Much sooner!

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There is a schedule, not certain when it would be due, likely 30 days, guessing it could be sooner, they already have the briefs.

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Let Trump pray for manna from heaven!

Worthless lump asks us to forego our rights to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and not the least of which, our own personal feedoms so he can play Fat Putin.

Trump is the most entitled, greedy, fat chump we've known!

Lock him up!

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Imagine if someone had told Reagan, that for less than 10% of our military budget we could expose the Russian army and weaken it tremendously. Learning more in a year than in a lifetime of tracking. Also rejuvenating NATO in many important ways. That check would have been signed and celebrated. That’s what the Biden Administration has done with Ukraine.

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Amazing! thank you for sharing this. If you are so inclined, it would be a brilliant statement to make regarding Biden's success with Ukraine. Please do consider it. You write very well. It was a pleasure to read. Best regards, Merrilee Posner

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Team Trump is spinning their [legal] wheels trying to argue the facts in an appellate proceeding when no evidence has been entered into the record because

1. nothing to de novo factually

2. standard on review is to assume the truth of the allegations

Calling this bush league is an insult to semi-pro ball. Wait, make that sandlot ball.

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The POS lawyers who are soon to experience ETTD will do so because they simply obeyed #PutinsPoodle. Thank you for taking your scalpel to their ridiculous filing. But I understand the gambit: #Putin'sPoodle is hoping he has three automatic votes plus the flagrantly corrupt Clarence.

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Thank you Chris for your attention to the intricacies of

wording in attorney briefs, many of us without your

knowledge would miss.

Trump's lawyers seem to be

all in for his Art of the Heist

of Democracy.

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