May 12·edited May 12

Excellent write up. A hell of a lot better than the Washington Post did.

Having to spend my day defending Pittman because some lazy journalists/pundits dont bother to actually read what Pittman wrote.

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The madness in this country has been called out every step of the way, for the past eight years, and this is another example of that.

Yet calling it out hasn't done anything to stop it. It's only gotten worse.

I fear none of this is going to be solved by persuasion.

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This is not the only time the megalomaniacal Fifth Circuit has gone overboard to keep a case it’s eager to rule on. They blew a gasket when another district judge in Texas transferred SpaceX’s ongoing effort to kneecap the NLRB to California,,going so,far as to interrogate the agency about its communications with the California court clerk.

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Yes, I covered that as well. It’s in the story linked throughout the post: https://www.lawdork.com/p/fifth-circuit-venue-nlrb-spacex-cfpb-chamber

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So you did. That one happens to strike close to the bone.

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There is something terribly wrong with our “Justice” system

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This underlines that certain judges are particularly horrible. The person who appointed them is suggestive. But a smaller class of Trump nominees are particularly horrible. Others are conservative but show more judge-like (as that term should be defined as a matter of craft and ethics) character.

The push for speed here by the 5CA for me personally brings up the slow walking of the Trump cases in D.C. and especially Florida (since we are talking about district judges).

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And Pittman gets the final word. This is a thing of beauty.

Judge Pittman lays on the snark to the Fifth Circuit in his latest ruling



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sigh. Can you explain why this is a nationwide injunction?

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I guess that's what happens when you're a member of the a leopard ate my face party. They never think they'll get bitten🤦‍♀️

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