“Today is Easter, and nothing else.” Is soooo stupid. It’s like they’re children who can’t fathom that someone might share a birthday with them or something. And it’s not even like it’s the same day every year so how are we exactly supposed to prevent things from happening on the same day (if we wanted to).

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Truly. I literally almost added a line about, "Did a child write this?"

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They will all be happier next year because Easter falls on Hitler’s birthday. April 20.

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When I lived in North Carolina, it was the day that every grocery store not named "Trader Joe's" was closed and it pissed me off something fierce. LET ME BUY FOOD DANG IT

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Apr 1Liked by Chris Geidner

The Egg Board had to step in. 03-31-2024

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Do not leave out Chaya Raichik.Libs of TikTok. She has a wide audience that are very impressionable and has been responsible for bomb threats after her posts. So these politicians are absolute garbage. I’m Jewish and I don’t know how to word it I will just say Christ is ashamed of them but this woman is dangerous.

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You are, of course, right about Chaya's effect. (I've written about her previously.) On this, though, she was actually pretty late to this one — with her first tweet coming well after even some of the politicians. It certainly helped it spread further, and she's been on a hateful tear today, but, she didn't start this one.

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FYI: I added a line about Chaya, btw. (The other issue was that, due to the image-heavy nature of this post, space was limited so it would all send in an email. I already added in the Noem and Gingrich images — the emailed version only had a link to Noem's tweet snd discussion of Gingrich's — after publishing and sending out the email.)

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Apr 1Liked by Chris Geidner

I'm an Episcopalian (already suspect to many of the outrage mongers!) who has zero problem with the WH Egg Roll being about the eggs and the fun and not overtly religious symbols. I also know and love trans clergy in my church. They are unquestionably part of the Beloved Community. This is all just so stupid and dangerous. TY, Chris, for bringing awareness, making us see what we have to fight and why we have to fight for our values of love and inclusion.

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Funny how there wasn't this fuss eleven years ago...

(2013 -- Easter Sunday, March 31st, Transgender Day of Visibility)

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After watching years of the overlap of Easter and Passover produce Christian congregations performing "Easter Passover Seders" that ranged from awkwardly interfaith to insultingly poor taste, I wish we'd just gotten a bunch of articles about how "The first trans was transubstantiation."

I gave some money to trans lifeline today, in the hopes that visibility can come with resources and not just targets.

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Was wondering if Mike Johnson, or more correctly his staff, gave a thought to that pesky commandment about bearing false witness, when they misrepresented facts in that tweet.

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It's going to be literally everything. The other example just this week was the DEI cyber border terrorist false flag bridge collapse that started WW3. While search and rescue was still ongoing.

They really took the "visibility" prompt in a different direction. Ghouls.

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I literally spent six hours this weekend combating the lies about both the International Trans Visibility Day proclamation and the White House Easter Egg Roll. I am on a local Trumper FB page in my community. I kept providing links to reality including the Egg Board’s comments. They continued to argue, but if only one person picks up that the GOP and their media pals are trying to drive wedges, my time will be well spent. Once you see the one lie, I’m convinced you watch for more lies.

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Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!

<Heavy sigh>

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Religion Clause Blog flagged the limitation on the egg decorations. The limits include generally uncontroversial stuff. Then there is a bit about "religious symbols, overtly religious themes."


[ETA: To be clear, as flagged by a Twitter note to a Fox News tweet on the subject, these rules have been around for quite some time. It was not just a Biden thing.]

I find that a bit "hmm" given the subject matter. We are talking about Easter decorations after all.

The trans bigotry is horrible. See also, the long diatribe that was Trump's Easter message.

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Just unbelievable that we need to say things like that. And outrage coming from the least Christian person on earth. I find myself endlessly shaking my head.

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Possibly your best column yet.

Shows clearly how the right can't do two things at once, and how facts (like the calendar) don't matter.

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I noticed in Trump's statement, he said 'Catholics and Christians' - gee, I had not realized that Catholics were not considered to be of the Christian faith.

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many evangelical Christians do not consider Roman Catholics to be "christian," because they haven't done the baptized in fire or total submersion thing, nor speak in tongues. I recall in college being told by neighbors in the dorm that being catholic meant I was going to hell because I worshiped statues and Mary and Saints, rather than Jesus.

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In the early 2000s, I asked my Yokohama hotel desk clerk to recommend a church service, and their first question was "Catholic, or Christian?" Centuries later, we are still paying a price for religious institutions excommunicating people they don't agree with.

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Last Sunday, I snarked that "Christians" who can't handle more than one thing at the same time are going to be very upset when they find out about the Trinity. I stand by that.

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And yet, they are okay with Trump posting a photo- on Good Friday, of all days-of an act of violence toward President Biden. Makes me want to vomit.

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Why re-broadcast RNC Bullshit? Fascist Hate Mongerers don’t care who they hurt—and they use religion with Sadistic Intent. SADISM is the right-wing Religion. And as for transgender issues, let’s emphasize the science: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sex-redefined-the-idea-of-2-sexes-is-overly-simplistic1/

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