Both men are so focused on amassing power that I cannot think of a belief they hold that could not be tossed aside if their ability to obtain more power required them to do so.

^^^^^^ your comment above says it all!!

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The 🍊whore master seems to know plenty about whoring. PROJECTION is a malignant narcissists symptom as well as nazi mimic .

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And I really can't decide who is worse- JD or his wife Usha. I feel that she bothers me more - because JD is doing exactly what we've come to expect from the majority of Republican politicians, especially the men.

Usha has in effect vilified her own DNA.

She used to be a registered Democrat until she married JD, then she switched to Republican. She is essentially taking part in downgrading all people of color, all immigrants, Indians, Hindu and women. If only she could have been a mind reader at the RNC then she'd hear what all those white Christians really think of her. As well educated as she is from Yale and Cambridge, I'm sure from an IQ perspective she runs circles around JD- but the massive cognitive dissonance she must be feeling inside...... but yet she made that decision.

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Choices. She wants the power too

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Hypocrisy knows no bounds with the despicable scum that infest the GQP. Even those dumb or gullible enough to marry into the GQP.

Vance seems to have about the same level of emotional intelligence as Cheetolini, I.e. that of roughly a fourth grade bully. That his wife stays with him says that she has ZERO self respect and is yet another bottom-feeder willing to do or “believe” anything for power.

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Yeah, the women/hence women that prop up these misogynistic fascist men..... psychopathy comes to mind.

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The Washington Post reported a statement from someone in the DC voting registration office that the initial indication of her Democratic registration arose from a clerical error.

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Not sure if I really believe the Washington post- makes me wonder if someone's trying to backtrack on her previous registration now that her husband is the VP candidate. The media has been ove pandering to Trump for years.

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🤣🤣🤣 blaming someone else!

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And they (falsely) accuse VP Kamala Harris of whoring her way to the top. Hello pot, meet kettle…

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Except that Kamala didn't do any such thing.

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Except Willie Brown, of course.

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Misogynist and liar. Eff off. Blocked.

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Not sure I understand: JD “has become an extremely anti-LGBTQ politician.” Except, of course, per the new Rich White Christian Exception, for Peter Thiel. Emptiness.

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This report is so very sad because it represents the current phenomenon of emotional division between friends and family. Other unresolved conflicts get mixed up with politics and the loss of relations is the fall out. The tide turning to a more uplifted outlook with Kamala, thank goodness, is a real gift from Biden finally letting go and now the flow of funds coming in is a true expression of that gratitude and hope that we can find some common ground for the future with an even broader coalition for democracy.

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Empty vessel equals lack of moral compass equals no filter for despicable acts equals acceptance of cruelty, which leads Hillbilly straight into the gaping, fetid maw of MAGA.

Welcome aboard, mate, and check your soul at the door, thank you very much.

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I worry that what’s happening in Venezuela could happen here. Sounds like January 6th on steroids. How can we prevent it?

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Also, he’s not qualified. (The very election of Trump changed how we look at that) However Vance shouldn’t be considered qualified. He has very little experience in government or business or leading anything. Trump is 78, if Vance had to step up, he wouldn’t be ready for the job.

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Vance has also lived under various names:


Personally, I think "phony" fits him best.

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I think JD Vance thinks of himself as Prince Hal, and can't wait to say "I know thee not, old man, fall to thy thoughts and prayers" to Trump. Srsly, I expect Vance's plan includes 25th-Amendment-ing Trump on Day 2.

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Yale wants its degree back.

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