Nov 22, 2022Liked by Chris Geidner

Thank you Chris for shining on light on these cases and the issues involved.

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Even if we could magically shake all the bias out of our justice system, it would still be administered by humans and thus imperfect. This alone should make us humble enough not to order people executed.

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Conviction sentences of "life in prison with the possibility of parole" & "life in prison without the possibility of parole" are forms of capital punishment

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Execution by lethal injection, electric chair & hanging is cruel/barbaric. Execution by firing squad or by one shooter is merciful/humane.

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Amazing and horrifically ironic how all of these "pro-life" states are falling all over themselves to put people to death...........

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Most supporters of abortion stop supporting it at third trimester abortion. It makes them no different than their pro-life opponents.

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There are two reasons why individuals are against capital punishment: 1. Belief it is immoral; 2. Depending on how it is carried out

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Conviction sentences of "life in prison with the possibility of parole" & "life in prison without the possibility of parole" are forms of capital punishment

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