I am really hoping Biden will take the right and moral action to commute all of the federal death penalties. There is no downside to taking this action. I also hope I live to see the day when the death penalty is abolished nationwide. The statement from victim’s families sums up my feelings.

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Seems worth a call to the White House to encourage Biden to do it! White House comments line 202-456-1111 or email www.whitehouse.gov/contact/share/

I just left a message.

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I'm not gonna hold my breath on it. The guy seems to derive pleasure from trying to give the barest semblance of hope to the most defenseless before ultimately releasing them to their deaths

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Thank you very much for providing access to Legal Dork. As a Senior, I am on a fixed income. It is very kind of you to understand that not everyone can afford a subscription.

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I have to wonder whether the comments by Alito (with Thomas concurring) pleading for more “constitutional” cases, is not just a scheme to batter as many civil rights before Trump nudges the two justices into retirement.

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I wonder how much the retirement of a Supreme Court justice would cost.

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I followed the link to Clapper and if I have this right, Alito doesn’t think squishy liberals should be able to sue with hypotheticals, but true blue red-blooded anti-trans Americans like him who are concerned about hypotheticals should. What, Alito a hypocrite? I am shocked?

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They've disposed of stare decisis. It looks like standing is the next principle on the chopping block.

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It feels like Alito and Thomas are headed for a doctrine that says "when someone acts in a way that doesn't damage you at all except for the moral outrage the act sets bloating your head, it is OK for them to sue the actor for the pain of that outrage."

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Thank you very much for providing access to Legal Dork

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I am curious to see how the Court could try to expand / support parental rights, but only under circumstances that the Court approves and restrict it for others. Parental rights for me, but not for thee.

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So Sam is all for parental rights to keep kids from transitioning but for right of parents to encourage transitioning, crickets. He really gives the game away—it’s legal Calvinball.

As for Coach Brett, he’s throwing hat into ring for succeeding Roberts.

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Thanks for the additional clarity on the background to the statements/dissents in today's Order List. Today was "hot-button conservative issue day" of sorts for them.

Typo: "Aong with that"

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How about convincing Harris to encourage Biden. She might be the one to pull it off.

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Wait, could one of those convicts turn down the commutation if they wanted to and does acceptance carry with it any acceptance of guilt?

I understand you can turn down a pardon but what about a commutation (say they think they have a better chance at a new trial on a death sentence).

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The upside to the death penalty is that (at least in state court but I think expect federal court too) it appears to be the only thing that forces people to give the accuracy/fairness of convictions serious attention. I fear that without the death penalty much of what we now know about the unreliability of various kinds of evidence and testimony would never have been uncovered because the practical attitude of both the courts, DAs and even journalists is to brush off claims of actual innocence in non death penalty cases because there is no loominh execution to force them to look.

If I was convicted of a crime I didn't commit I'd much rather be given a death sentence than a life sentence or anything with over 20 years before any probation. The chances of getting released are better and good chance I die before any death sentence is carried out anyway.

But that's still all upside for Biden to commute those sentences.

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