Good! Proselytes are becoming far too active. Their "G/god" vs. my G/god. Evangelicals have been undermining the U.S. Constitution since the days of Reagan; worsening with each passing year and decade. Collectively, they are an enemy of our constitutional democratic republic. They want to impose their theocratic ideals upon the rest of us.

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I believe you are confusing "freedom of speech" with compelling employees to attend a conference specific to religion. Would you agree to be compelled to attend an event that was geared to a particular thought or conviction? The judge overstepped (over-reached) asserting his religious beliefs by requiring “religious-liberty training”. We are not a theocratic nation -- yet. Plus, how do we know, in fact, this employee was fired for what she claims?

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Freedom of speech does not grant the right to an employee to use company communication channels to engage in a months-long spam and harassment campaign directed at other employees. Southwest gave tremendous deference to the plaintiff, far more than I would anticipate they would give for this type of behavior if it was motivated by Islamic, secular, or lefty beliefs. Do you beleive that the plaintiff's behavior was not sufficient ground for the consequence received?

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Good! No court should EVER be able to require religiously based "training" for anything. It would be cool if the appellate court held the JUDGE in "contempt" for even contemplating it.

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I do not and never have believed in a burning bush that talks. Judge Starr is forcing SWA to violate their right of religious freedom by forcing them to attend the bs training. He’s as corrupt as his uncle.

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Wouldn't you know it, the Pandora's Box that the wildly expansive re-definition of religious liberty has opened is letting clouds of buzzing, oppressive demons loose in the land. If this precedent is allowed to stand, then anything short of physical violence (maybe, there hasn't been a new case YET to push it past THAT threshold) is allowed to the god-botherers in this country, and defending yourself against their unhinged aggression is unlawful. Hell of a definition of liberty, you ask me. But that is what the Xtian branch of the Taliban has been pushing for from the start, their "right" to harangue and harass all the rest of us for not lining up and signing up to THEIR chosen superstition. Next thing you know, they'll be pushing for a return to legally enforceable universal tithing, with a new sort of theistic IRS to police compliance, aided by an enthusiastic crowd of informers, snoops and busybodies, Gilead, here we come!

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Young Judge Starr has no jurisdiction over the schedule for Southwest to seek a stay from the 5th (sigh) circuit. His 30 days may expire but the CA almost certainly will issue its own, of uncertain duration (see social media case) even before or in lieu of a forma stay.

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Not on topic here but I would enjoy reading your thoughts on this article if you’re so inclined.


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the jury appears to have had its collective head WAY up its ass.

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Ohhhh … kayyy?

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it's rather My way or the Highway going on with old Job Lover 28.28 isn't it? As in "Religious people of the correct flavor can do anything they damn well please. But pick your flavor carefully. "

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yeah, why don't we all laugh our way into theocracy. Fucking hilarious.

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In the 90s to mid 00s I still attended Baptist churches. Bible studies and other things actually pretty much taught that what the US needed was a theocracy, with “God’s Laws” (the Old Testament ones) being the final arbiter and defined of civil law in this country. I can even remember a lecture when someone said, “Imagine if we went back to stoning children for rebelling against their parents; it would only take a couple of them until there was an end to juvenile delinquency! I am not making this up. 🤦‍♀️😞😡

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That should say definition and not defined up there. Should double check autocorrect better.

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people like that give me the willies. Glad for you that you escaped with your life, Lisa. If nothing else, the testimony of survivors of Gilead is needed, because the god-crazed often try to appear almost normal, and the conflict-averse are always ready to make excuses for their barbarity .

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