The more I learn about the actual mechanics of SCOTUS (when they're not accepting largesse from billionaires or luxurious speaking gigs, or complaining about news coverage, or contemptuously attacking Democrats, or imperiously legislating from the bench), the more insane it is that 9 people can operate with zero transparency, choose what cases to accept at whim, decide when to allow oral arguments and when to shove through decisions on the shadow docket.
This is a ludicrous system even with good faith justices; it's moronic with the Federalist Society lackeys and their theological fanaticism.
SCOTUS would never be considered a world-class operation in the private sector; if it were a law firm, its clients would leave but we're stuck with them. I appreciate that most of them got their seats out of ideological conformity, not ability, but it would be nice if they'd show a little more pride in their product. They're like a bunch of snobby English Lords in a costume drama and we are the peasantry.
I found this extremely interesting and educational. And from the other comments, it looks like liberals don't like the way the court operates any more than they like its recent decisions.
The more I learn about the actual mechanics of SCOTUS (when they're not accepting largesse from billionaires or luxurious speaking gigs, or complaining about news coverage, or contemptuously attacking Democrats, or imperiously legislating from the bench), the more insane it is that 9 people can operate with zero transparency, choose what cases to accept at whim, decide when to allow oral arguments and when to shove through decisions on the shadow docket.
This is a ludicrous system even with good faith justices; it's moronic with the Federalist Society lackeys and their theological fanaticism.
SCOTUS would never be considered a world-class operation in the private sector; if it were a law firm, its clients would leave but we're stuck with them. I appreciate that most of them got their seats out of ideological conformity, not ability, but it would be nice if they'd show a little more pride in their product. They're like a bunch of snobby English Lords in a costume drama and we are the peasantry.
I found this extremely interesting and educational. And from the other comments, it looks like liberals don't like the way the court operates any more than they like its recent decisions.