The new law also removed several other determinations in the jury's sentencing process. Under Florida's old law (implemented in 2017 after the U.S. Supreme Court held in 2016 that Florida's prior capital sentencing scheme was unconstitutional), the jury was required to make 4 determinations unanimously. This new law removes that and ends with the two determinations you mention. I've explained this entire debacle on Tracking Florida's Death Penalty and will be following the litigation, which has already started.

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We live in a completely dystopian society. Both of these stories are horrifying.

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Oh, and one more thing... There's another bill coming in Florida that expands the death penalty beyond homicide despite the USSC's decision in Kennedy v. Louisiana. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/04/ron-desantis-supreme-court-conservatives-attack-precedent.html

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Oh, yes, indeed. Thanks for your comments! This newsletter went all the way to the limit before it would have been cut of in email. I'll absolutely be covering that as well.

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Looking forward to reading, and thanks for covering!

If anyone is interested on how FL got to this point, I recently wrote a five-part series on the history, which can be found here: https://fladeathpenalty.substack.com/p/other-related-publications

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I live in the world’s strangest country. It claims “justice for all” but is unjust.

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Thank you both, Ms. Kalmanson and Mr. Geithner for these very educational pieces concerning the death penalty. I'm not a fan of this

particular practice. Life without any chance of parole is good enough for me.

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death should be abolished

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