The North Carolina decision, while expected, spits in the face of election fairness and is so clearly a partisan decision that probably even the most partisan Republican would have trouble stifling his/her/their smirk when looking at it. And, you can be completely assured that the Supreme Court will do whatever it is to give the most power to the Republicans.

What a depressing time to be alive in this country.

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I don't know. Roberts might be able to convince Kavanaugh and/or Barret to support a "compromise" halfway between "elections should be structured such that the results reflect the opinions of the citizenry" and "partisans, once empowered, can do whatever they want", which would probably mean punting one way or another. Then again, maybe not.

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I don't see a "compromise" here. Elections are free or they are not. Either the courts can rule on what legislature do/don't do, or they can't.

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I don't either, but Roberts has pulled that kind of thing out of his butt before. The Chief Justice's rectum is a treasure trove of sophistic marvels.

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Double non-justifiability--a political question for state law purposes and moot for Art III case or controversy.

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I wonder if parents can have the birth certificate of a new baby entered as "not clear" on the grounds that the child needs to be an adult to decide? Kid as adult can always decide in favor of any obvious apparatus.

Wasn't the NC decision on gerrymandering about RACIAL gerrymandering--as in there was a smoking gun in a memo of some sort about the intent to affect black choices? If so, does this mean the current supreme court believes that as long a a party is doing the gerrymandering it is also OK for it to be racially motivated?

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Can we calculate the destruction to democracy done by the Robert’s Court?

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Please. This court is a disaster for American values. Hopefully we can Re-discover and embrace those values again.

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