It’s not fair all these cases go to this transphobic ass of a judge

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It’s like there is a contest between Texas and Florida to see which state can trample the most on their residents’ Constitutional Rights.

We need to get big money out of politics, & term limit all judges, starting with the Federal Supreme Court & working our way down the entire court system.

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He’s not really trying to hide his biases. Given that he has a lifetime appointment, I guess that he doesn’t have to.

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This is the judge who will rule on whether or not to federally ban mifepristone, which in addition to being the drug legally used for medical abortions in states that arent Texas, has several other critical roles in womens health treatment. The pain and suffering will be widespread.

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Making it up as they go.

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Voting matters! MAGAs know it; that’s why keep pushing the limits of voter suppression in different ways. Trump won in 2016 and might win again in 2024 only because too many people who don’t like him or what he does were too busy with other stuff to be bothered to register and vote.

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Not to opine on the merits, but FRCP 65(b)(1)(B) is about giving notice of the hearing on the TRO, and it doesn't look like the March 21 letter did that at all.

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You are correct. I just updated the post to include the certification.

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Great blog keep it up.

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