Here's the thing, Clarence.

If Washington is such a hideous place and the residents are so awful, then resign your seat on the Court and move away. You'll quickly find out that all your so-called 'friends' who are so willing to pay for lavish vacations, finance RVs and pay for private schools for random relatives will disappear into the woodwork because you will no longer be of use to them.

But that's not what this is all about, now is it?

You're nothing more than a whiner and a crybaby who has never gotten over that private law didn't want you, so to salve your outsized ego, you went to work for the government and didn't understand why you were treated like the mediocrity you are.

Go away, Clarence. Your act is getting old.

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People like the Thomases unfortunately don’t understand that their position is the only reason they have the friends they do. He knows he can’t leave, though—he needs the perks too much.

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I’ll bet even his benefactors think he’s a pathetic crybaby.

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It's a tricky business. Conservative grievance is a big part of their schtick.

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This is so true! It’s a thread through all those who have little to no idea what is reality of why they are in power. They get bought by those same corrupt who are a lower then a snakes belly.

We pay for their crimes until a few good people kick ass! These are you Chris. Thank you for your courageous service in reporting.

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Clarence and Ginni are among those who most make the place hideous, if it is (It isn't.)

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Exactly. Their accusations are always admissions.

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If Washington really is such a “hideous place” Clarence and Ginni should feel right at home.

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Thomas is a sexual abuser, liar and a fraud. His wife is an election denier like Trump-another sexual abuser, liar and fraud. He is a corrupt justice. He should be impeached, indicted, convicted and jailed.

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Thank you, Chris. Thomas deserves every scathing word. May he be held accountable in some way for the harm he has done.

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Is it possible that Thomas has been on his own revenge and retribution path all these decades. His education began during segregation and the good nuns probably pushed this young Black intellectual to the priesthood thinking they were doing him the greatest favor and blessing and where he faced racism as the first young Black student. At Yale, he was one of the first Black students to take advantage of the open admissions program in white colleges. In Reagan and Bush Administrations, he served in Civil Rights and EEOC respectively. During his Supreme Court Senate hearing, he accused the committee of holding a high tech lynching of him over Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment. That pretty much shut down any further investigation and the rest is history. Even when he got to the Court, he had to take a back seat to Scalia, who was heralded as the ultimate originalist and courted by the far right advocacy groups and donor class. Since Scalia’s death Thomas has sought and succeeded in replacing Scalia on all fronts, especially on the material benefits. He seems to have been running away from his fear and hatred of any suggestions that he has been the beneficiary of affirmative action. He was no friend of EEOC during his tenure for eight years under Bush. It is clear that he and extreme right radicals like Leo have a symbiotic relationship and Thomas is using it to assuage the systemic racism he experienced as a child and young man, even as he denies that right to those who have suffered from any and all forms of social injustice. Our democracy is the ultimate victim of his revenge and retribution.

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Cry me a river Thomas.

You've benefitted quite well

in the "nasty place" and so

has your wife. Your line up of

clerks is scary and I certainly

hope you don't think, the

many thousands of us paying

attention to you, don't have

your number.

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I truly do not know why any reasonable person has any respect for our Supreme Court anymore.

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John Oliver seems happy to buy Clarence a luxury RV if he'd just resign... :)

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Why doesn’t he take

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The offer? To protect his reputation? That ship has sailed!

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He could always resign, if he finds the place so hideous.

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The Victim Mentality is alive and well on SCROTUS. It really does seem to be catching.

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Victimhood is a standard conservative complaint. The world is against them. When liberals point out the unfairness of things, it is "cry me a river, libs."

You see, conservatives are complaining about valid things! See also, how liberal judges "make **** up" unlike conservative judges though both (h/t Prof. Eric Segall) use value-laden judging to do judicially creative things.

He was a victim of "high tech lynching" according to his SCOTUS confirmation testimony.

As to Crystal Clanton, there has been a lot about her, including an extended NYT article. Maybe a bit of overkill [e.g., there is a lot to talk about & a long NYT article filled with a lot of trivia at some point got a bit much] though she said some horrid things as a baby conservative activist. The Thomases taking her in as a mentoree is unsurprising. Again, it is the failure to be honest that does the most damage.

If she granted that as a young activist, she said things she shouldn't have, it would have went better. The "it's a big liberal lie" business rankles the most for me personally.

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Pathetic, cruel, useless human being. And that's being kind to Thomas, who only entered law so he could become rich.

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Truly and genuinely frightening.

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