How many times can one say that Alito has jumped the shark without acknowledging that perhaps he is the shark?

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You could say the same thing, how do you know it's facebook and not the government. Wow, just wow.

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Excellent writing. Thank you.

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This sounds pretty outrageously brazen. Has the court ever been this inconsistent?

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'Why argue precedent when you could argue vibes?'

That encapsulates all of this, very well.

As for SB4, nothing will ever make me see the delay as anything other than Alito being a petty, vindictive, miserable bitter old SOB. I think your one idea, that the delay was because the rest of the court forced him to the decision is spot on. He doesn't care about the law as it exists. He cares about what Alito thinks the law should be. And what Alito wants the law to be. We've been seeing this increasingly in his writings and his behavior in court. And in the press.

That SB4 delay yesterday was a big FU to the country.

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Could this NRA ruling have any effect on the issues between Florida and Disney? There is clear evidence that Disney was punished for their speech. If SCOTUS finds for the NRA, can Disney take that argument to the bank?

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WEll done, Chris. Very well written post. Thank you.

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Alito at one point referenced the Wall St. Journal. He should be rather familiar with them.

The second case regarding the NRA concerns me. A major problem with the first is that a lot of damage already has been done, even if the justices (again) knock down the Fifth Circuit. This is old news. The second might be a win for the NRA. I am doubtful they were harmed. Still, my biggest concern is an opinion that goes beyond the specific harm and handcuffs regulators.

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I could see how legal analysts of middling intellect (like most of the readers of this blog) might not be able to comprehend the universe of ramifications stemming from a non-purist view. But the Louisiana Solicitor General is correct here.

The combination of the primary standing of the First Amendment (much to the chagrin of you all), the existence of the reasonable possibility of a government agent abusing this (i.e. a threat is relatively easy to commit by a government official and the idea is common enough that most will at least conceive of the option), and the ease with which plausible deniability can be used as a pretextual excuse is sufficient to justify the purist approach.

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To Stay or not to Stay. Stayed! Not Stayed. Stayed

Stayed again! Which roll of

their SCOTUS dice is it today?

Perhaps Alito needs to retire.

Seriously, I think he's having

some mental issues.

Thank you Chris. Excellent job.

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The stay was entered into the court system at 4:52pm on the 18th.

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That's saying it was entered into the Fifth Circuit's system at 4:52 p.m. CT. So, doesn't tell us all that much. (If anything, that's even worse.)

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Chris this just showed up at SCOTUSBlog

'Emergency application to vacate stay of preliminary injunction is denied on March 19, 2024.'

Is this an error? What is this?

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