How am I supposed to interpret this other than "Republican legal groups and elected officials simply cannot wait to torture pregnant women to death." I'm not a lawyer, but this is psychotic.

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Perhaps the 5th circuit, en blanc, needs a deep probe

by ProPublica like the one


Whenever I see the 5th circuit now, I get the heebie-

jeebies. Nothing good ever

comes from that circuit court.

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So what is going on here? Is Idaho betting that SCOTUS is already in the bag so it doesn't matter how outlandishly it presents its case? Or is the conservative movement so simultaneously brain-dead and aggressive that this is what happens nowadays? And if it's the latter, is it ever going to backfire for them? Or will SCOTUS forgive anything and everything?

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I guess it's the "pound the table" strategy? The Supreme Court is horrific, but it doesn't have the Fifth Circuit's record of pure Christian Sharia law rulings. Maybe they think they they've already successfully rigged the system and don't have to wait?

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It seems like SCOTUS is going to be forced to show its hand. The extremists keep pushing because that's what bullies do. Either SCOTUS stands with them, rolls over in fear of them, or does something else. They're going to keep getting cases that put them in that situation; the conservatives and the Trump people are never going to be satisfied, with anything.

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I legitimately don't know which voices they are going to listen to in Leonard Leo's weird fawning conservative circle.

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Yeah. At the end of the day they are nine humans with unlimited, irrevocable, power who don't have to answer to anyone. Their only restraint (and it's a big one) is that only the executive branch can enforce their orders, because it has the police power. That would be the obvious concern with a Trump administration, that they'd just ignore the court, but Democrats have shown zero inclination to that (yet).

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Weirdly it's been Republicans routinely ignoring rulings, especially on redistricting.

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Yes. But while Biden is president, it's unlikely the court's orders won't be upheld, so it would seem that they can do anything they want and that they have all the power. Not always easy to predict how humans will behave in that situation. But most of us already expect the worst, which would mean any surprises can only be good? 🤷

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It's the 21st century and we haven't left the dark ages.

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"The New Federalism" does not work.

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Wait until viable gametes will be crafted from skin cells. It's underway now. I think, in Japan. Then the usefulness of women ends and it's straight to medieval times. We gotta smash this patriarchy NOW.

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I see two dynamics in play: 1) the Fifth Circus is consciously taking the role of crazy uncle, so that SCOTUS can smack them down and garner plaudits for their “moderation;” 2) more likely, these judges are all auditioning for a future SCOTUS seat.

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I'm a retired physician living in Idaho and a political moderate, often socially liberal. In my view the Idaho Freedom Foundation is beyond MAGA. One of their attack dogs Raul Labrador, Idaho's Attorney General, is well known for pushing an extreme right agenda, particularly in the arena of abortion law. I can trustfully say no physician is going to risk prison and financial ruin if a pregnant woman with a threatened abortion comes to the ER for care and puts them and their patient in an impossible position.

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