Thanks for taking the time to shed light on this distinction. I suspect I won’t hear about it very many other places, if any.

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Durbin continues the 7-year pretense that all is well, with a few disturbances that are quickly swept under the carpet.

Continuing to pretend that the GOP is not a hardened extremist cult that must be defeated to save our country is both foolish and shortsighted.

We are not a polarized country. We are a faltering democracy with an ascendant autocracy, fueled by right-wing donors, who have fully captured the Court.

Denial and gaslighting won't save our future.

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Lindsay Graham has become a mini me of Trump with the lying. He makes me sick. John McCain would be seriously disappointed with LG.

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What's going on with Durbin? And the other Dems on this committee? Have they all gone to sleep?

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So Lindsay Graham either was confused/mistaken or he deliberately lied 🤥, & he was not called out for this error until after he had left the hearing? Senator Dick Durban (Democrat)is the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee & didn’t see fit to correct this immediately, but allowed this hearing to proceed based on this lie? WTF? We need a new Chair who demands that truth prevails.

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That's on the Democrats on the committee for not calling out Graham for his misrepresentation.

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Come on.... why would you expect Dems to do anything to stand up the the GOP, they both want the same thing

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Dick Durbin has not exactly covered himself in glory, thus far in this session of Congress. Blue slips continue to block judicial appointments for purely partisan reasons; members who espouse falsehoods are not challenged. Durbin is evidence that being a Democrat doesn’t necessarily imply having a spine.

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Why am I unsurprised that Senator Graham would lie?

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Senate Democrats demonstrate on a daily basis that they are not up to doing battle on behalf of the American with the far right on politicization of the judiciary.

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