I'm curious--how exactly did plaintiffs here exhaust their administrative remedies? Wasn't the lead plaintiff CREATED just before the suit?

Scariest is what may happen to the concept of standing. How were any of the plaintiffs actually hurt by the approval OR the changes in distribution? They had to treat patients with side effects (which are clearly stated by the FDA). Isn't that their job? Should we ban skateboarding because doctors have to treat the "side effects" when someone falls off?

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It's painful watching our judiciary twist itself into pretzels to derive a predetermined result based on culture war positions vs agency independence (or any semblance of stare decisis).

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I think that we can all see which way this is going. The Supreme Court is going to have to step in, and with Justices Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Roberts and Thomas waiting in the wings, what do you think is going to happen?

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So, surely online ammunition sales are now illegal

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