I am from California, a true blue state; I fear Trump and his Project 2025. But this Fifth Circuit case should remind us that in red states, especially the Deep South, Project 2025 is already in force. Trans matters has this one judge frothing? Really? About as righteous as “segregation now, segregation forever.” And as compassionate.

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The mere fact that these arguments are occurring is frightening. Is governance by judicial fiat the new normal for America?

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I live in a red county with almost twice as many registered Republicans as Democrats. In my last job, I worked with a person who was transgendering. They were one of the most delightful and helpful people you could wish to work with, & the majority of people who worked there accepted them & treated them fairly. It is upsetting (to put it mildly) to hear that the courts persecute a person who just wants to be who they truly are. These people have enough problems in life without the courts turning to witch hunts to persecute them.

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This state is regularly referred to as ruby red and dismissed. Needless to say, there are people of all genders here. The current administration is not supportive of trans rights or women’s or reproductive rights. How long it’s possible to deny more than half of the electorate their full participation in our experiment remains to be seen.

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Good thing the Resistance has a well-thought-out plan for resisting the upcoming steal, should Harris win.

What’s the current plan? A devastating op-ed in the Times?

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Wow. How very impressive

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Y’all, we’re not going to do this in this 24 hours. Seriously.

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Excellent contingency planning. You didn’t want to do it months ago; you don’t want to do it now; you never want to do it. You and pretty much everyone else on our side. Despite all indications for four years. We’ll see how that works out.

I have a great idea: block me and delete my comment. That’ll take care of the threat!

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Again: moot point.

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Well, it’s a moot point now, almost certainly. Now it’s about whether you’ll serve the regime or not.

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Sigh. Do you think Judge Jerry Smith, who sees trans women as "big burly guy[s]" has ever MET a trans woman? I have to admit I haven't that I know of, though I do have my suspicions about some store clerks I've encountered, though the suspicions don't relate to burliness. But I don't inquire into the sexuality of store clerks, even those I deal with regularly. I have a several trans MEN in my family. But few people really worry about a trans man playing in men's sports.

I suppose it would be disrespectful to the court to simply ask him when he makes cracks like that?

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Thank you for this report which should NOT be a judicial movement to decide what humans find acceptable in life.

Just sucks biggly!

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