There is a moratorium. It's somewhat limited in its terms. Still, it's active.

I do understand the desire to leave open the death penalty in these multiple murder cases. Not that they are free from problems. The text shows this. Juries have not sentenced them to die in various cases. Still. Nonetheless, I'm for a general principle here.

If you are going to have a moratorium, stop authorizing executions.

Will President Biden near the end of his term go further and commute those on death row? We will see. President Obama (not against all executions) left the opening for Trump to have his mass execution, including multiple cases Obama is likely to have accepted as inappropriate.

That is what happens when you leave things on the table.

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Indeed. I’ve written about that aspect previously and just ran out of time here today, but this is precisely the issue.

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He's already LWOP.

I do not support state-sponsored execution, in part because they have historically been... misplaced,

malinformed, and biased. Additionally, and in opposition to "if one guilty person walks free," even when the accused's brain is not quite baked, am on the side of "if one innocent person is put to death," that's a bad. And it's not just one person.

Not in any way suggesting this person is not guilty.

I mostly do not support state-sponsored execution, given the error rate, sometimes poor "forensics," and history of who comes to trial, in the first place.

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What's to be gained? "Deterrence"? Hardly. Revenge? Life imprisonment w/o parole is in many cases a death sentence delivered inside the walls. If Candidate Biden was unalterably opposed to the death penalty, are his hands tied as President Biden?

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State sponsored murder is still murder.

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Is this up to Biden personally? Or is it within the scope of the independent Justice Department (Garland)?

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“Attorney General Merrick Garland was required under Justice Department policy to have authorized the decision in the federal case …”

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Question intended was whether this is at Garland's independent discretion, or likely done at direction? ... Honest question, sorry if I wasn't clear.

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I'm more than dismayed. I'm pissed. This is state sponsored murder. Why is Biden sabotaging himself🤔

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Jan 12, 2024
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Nazis received a range of punishments. Not that this is the Final Solution or something.

The "break" here is LWOP in a federal prison. Not much of one. But you are granted your opinion.

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Jan 12, 2024
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Counterpoints: The article specifically details that (1) the hate crimes law intentionally excludes the death penalty, and (2) how civil rights advocates fought to do that.

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