Nov 17, 2023Liked by Chris Geidner

I don’t think I’ve ever said “wait...what?!” so many times while reading a newsletter. It’s disheartening to read but at the same time I’m grateful you put it there for me to read.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Chris Geidner

All I can say is to echo "appalling indifference". I'm a buckeye now living in FL...what is happening? And the horribly sad case in MS. It makes my heart hurt. Thank you for keeping us informed. Vote and stay active.

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The short answer is "They don't care."

Just like Jenna Ellis said on video that Dan Scavino told her that neither he nor Trump nor any of the rest of the Republicans in power cared that voters at large had told them it was time to leave.

None of them care.

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So, for Republicans, the Ohio Constitution is about as important as a piece of used toilet paper -- not exactly a surprise. The Republican U.S. Supreme Court treats the U.S. Constitution the same way, from guns to political contributions to birth control to separation of church and state. Given what the Republican Supremes do, why should state Republicans have any more respect for state Constitution. And they're just getting started -- a year from now if Trump and rest of the RepubliNazi party have control of the country, kiss goodbye to anything resembling "rule of law" -- welcome to U.S. of A., banana republic.

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Can you say corruption? How about Householder? How about Joe Deters, friend of Pat DeWine, appointed to Ohio Supreme Court without ever serving as a Judge? Of course, his most important qualification is being Pat DeWine’s buddy. Read the Plain Dealer’s article about Deter’s questionable past and his relationship with the DeWines. And like justice Thomas on the US Supreme Court, DeWine is adverse to recusing himself. Don’t expect a fair verdict if issue one goes to the Ohio justices. And then there’s Gym Jordan and the newest extremist, Vance. Can’t forget Frank LaRose, Secretary of State. His hands are all over issue one. And look for more of the same from him as his campaign heats up for the senate race against Sherrod Brown in 2024. He’s already purged 26,000 voters. Should a Secretary of State who oversees elections remain in office while running for another office? The concerns in Ohio are overwhelming.

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The complete indifference to Dexter Wade following his death is so sad. He was not seen as a human being, and I suspect there’s something worse involving the circumstances of his death. The police actively covered it up to such a degree that they do not deserve the deference imo.

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Republicans in Ohio are a joke. They have also blatantly refused to create fair election maps, which citizens also voted for. Vote them out!!! All citizens regardless of party should be angry over their actions.

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This all comes back to the structural Constitutional restraint on the democratic majority per capita or per state/congressional district doing any thing contrary to the wishes of slave owners. Representative democracy as a political model is equally as amenable to preserving the power of a minority to reproductively enslave women. In effect, dumbing down the power of the majority to tyrannize the majority to the right of the minority’s preference to define tyranny.

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On second thought--let’s give the RNC Crime Syndicate what they want: Let them have the southern tier, Fl, LA, MS, AL, TX-- and then build a wall to keep out the fascists. Deport the card-carrying trumpanzees and be done with them.

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It is high time we abolish the electoral college and any other excuse for gerrymandering. The GOP steals votes; they use a “dirty tricks” department to steal and manipulate voting to promote their interests--interests that aim to subvert this country. The RNC operates as an organized crime syndicate run by Neo nazi fascist billionaires who install their puppets. Revoke Citizens United and abolish the electoral college. It’s the only way to start digging out from under the corruption.

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As an Ohioan who circulated petitions for the Reproductive Rights amendment, and the gerrymandering amendment, that Ohio disregarded, and the short answer to your question is “THEY DO NOT CARE!! The MAGA GQP and Supreme Court has ignored the law so Ohio legislators, and Supreme Court justices are emboldened and don’t care about the will of the voters, it’s infuriating!

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> The timing — which the court makes absolutely clear will not be extended — means the briefs are due on Dec. 7.

Is it normal for courts to preemptively reject any notion of an extension, not even allowing extension requests to be filed? I can certainly understand rejecting an extension request, but it sounds strange to not even be open to receiving one?

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We really are feeling the stranglehold of being unable to amend our constitution, on so many levels. A real Supreme Court would enforce that political gerrymandering can’t happen even on state maps. Ridiculous.

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