So the Court's majority is now positioned to overturn any law or precedent that doesn't meet their ideological and religious doctrine. and Robert's has relinquished any pretense of leading the Court...it's now Alito's ballgame.

Durbin will do nothing, Biden will say nothing, Democratic leadership will not explain to the country the immense dangers of an ideological and spiteful unelected body with absolute power and no accountability.

To the extent the country has any clue about the malice and contempt with which they are viewed by the Alito Court, I guess the Court's popularity will continue to plummet, but then again, so will our lifespans as our air, water, and working conditions continue to decay.

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Interesting that the Supreme Court gets described as an unelected body while the entire bureaucratic structure that brought these controversies to the free people of the USA are not described in such stark terms though their powers are less scrutinized and often further reaching. hw could actually describe the entire executive branch in the same terms ...were politics not clouding what is being presented as clear thinking.

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May 27, 2023·edited May 27, 2023

ginsburg helped cause this problem so did Obama meekness . and stupid Dems who lost senate seats

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Precisely explained tragedy

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As if we needed more proof that the current Supreme Court is now the unofficial judicial branch of the MAGA/Republican Party. When even Justice Brett Kavanaugh thinks that you're going way too far, that says something.

Just wait until the Supreme Court finds some way to unofficially (or even officially) bless the insane "Independent State Legislature" theory.............

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Their goal is to neuter the entire administrative state. This is just the prelude.

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Thanks for this explanation, Chris. Ugh. This court has become a complete joke.

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Forget science everything is subject to majority consensus, wouldn’t you love to walk into a room and say the Supreme Court just overruled special relativity let’s go spend half a trillion on a faster than light ship , nature like a kitten doesn’t really give a crap what 5 unelected officials in robes say it does what it wants

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What is going to happen if folks start building canals or streams or underpasses through those berms and roads? Under Alito's test would the lands so connected then be "wetlands" again?

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Forget science, it's all textual now in the right wing SCOTUS.

Well then, puddles to you Alito!

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Well, we certainly don't have to pay attention to CJ Roberts any more when he says the Court should only go as far as necessary to decide a case. If he believed that, he'd have voted with Kavanaugh.

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But of course in this litigious society and the way corporations do what they want, the cases, as they presented would have gone to court and the water still polluted, reaction is not better than pro-action but it is reality.

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Hoorah for justice...finally!!

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we can hope they also go the way of Ginsburg and Scalia

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perhaps ruling was too broad but if COE wanted a drainage pond to be under their purview, that was too much .

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