Anyone reading this who hasn't checked out Flamy Grant's singing I cannot recommend her youtube videos enough. And good on everyone involved in this suit.
Res judicata. Gotta love it. Without doing the actual research my gut instinct is that if the State of Tennessee has the power to direct the prosecution of the Georges case, there’s an end to the RJ analysis and no factual inquiry should be needed to assess the degree to which that power was, or was not, exercised. If I’m right, that disposes of the question of whether the holding re constitutionality by a federal district court of a different district in Tennessee is binding precedent. The present district court is not bound by the earlier decision except as the same issue has already been determined against the same party and the relief granted has neither been stayed or set aside. Long line FRCP.
Yet more insanity from TN...those boys need to stay off the mash before launching unsafe legal actions.
Anyone reading this who hasn't checked out Flamy Grant's singing I cannot recommend her youtube videos enough. And good on everyone involved in this suit.
Res judicata. Gotta love it. Without doing the actual research my gut instinct is that if the State of Tennessee has the power to direct the prosecution of the Georges case, there’s an end to the RJ analysis and no factual inquiry should be needed to assess the degree to which that power was, or was not, exercised. If I’m right, that disposes of the question of whether the holding re constitutionality by a federal district court of a different district in Tennessee is binding precedent. The present district court is not bound by the earlier decision except as the same issue has already been determined against the same party and the relief granted has neither been stayed or set aside. Long line FRCP.