Thank you for this. You are doing amazing work.

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Good news. i just do not understand how a "law" can be enacted from a period of time that AZ was not a state. "Territorial" law? i just don't understand.

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Yeah, it was re-enacted when Arizona became a state, and had been slightly amended over time, but was essentially the same as the original. If you go back and look at my original report on the history, I explain it more fully.

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When Arizona became a state, it probably incorporated its territorial law via a "reception" statute that said something like "all the territorial law is not abrogated" etc. A worthwhile perspective to consider on this question, if a little bonkers in my opinion: https://virginialawreview.org/articles/writ-erasure-fallacy/#:~:text=When%20judges%20or%20elected%20officials,delay%20its%20effective%20start%20date.

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lol did you plagiarize the headline from the NYTimes, or did they steal your headline, or was this coincidental.

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I don’t look at what others are writing about a decision or action when I’m writing, so I hadn’t seen theirs and don’t know who even published first, but, regardless, I’m not sure it’s an especially unique headline.

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May 2
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Every Republican state is a pimple on the face of America with all of their draconian and regressive laws. And it all started with Reagan's trickle down..... that never trickle down and only gave tax cuts to the wealthy, corporate america, industrialists.

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